What do you see is changing in the Space sector in 2022?

Andre KEARNS: You got all these new companies that are entering space business for the first time and so they are launching new satellite to orbit and new human missions in the orbit faster than we’ve ever seen before. These companies I would send over the next 5 years or going to launch thousands of new satellites that will collect mass of a mouth of satellite data that can be analyzed to decern insights that help improve life on Earth and so, the need to analyze that data and manage these data and create the need for innovation and so all of this I think it’s been creating opportunities for new companies and startups to really enter the space industry and help to drive that innovation along with the government state agencies and global Aerospace Enterprises that have traditionally industry.

What do you like most about Paris Space Week?

Andre KEARNS: At nunc si ad aliquem bene nummatum tumentemque ideo honestus advena salutatum introieris, primitus tamquam exoptatus suscipieris et interrogatus multa coactusque mentiri, miraberis numquam antea visus summatem virum tenuem te sic enixius observantem, ut paeniteat ob haec bona tamquam praecipua non vidisse ante decennium Romam. At nunc si ad aliquem bene nummatum tumentemque ideo honestus advena salutatum introieris, primitus tamquam exoptatus suscipieris et interrogatus multa coactusque mentiri, miraberis numquam antea visus summatem virum tenuem te sic enixius observantem, ut paeniteat ob haec bona tamquam praecipua non vidisse ante decennium Romam.At nunc si ad aliquem bene nummatum tumentemque ideo honestus advena salutatum introieris.

Why do you think it is important to talk at space events like this?

Andre KEARNS: You got all these new companies that are entering space business for the first time and so they are launching new satellite to orbit and new human missions in the orbit faster than we’ve ever seen before. These companies I would send over the next 5 years or going to launch thousands of new satellites that will collect mass of a mouth of satellite data that can be analyzed to decern insights that help improve life on Earth and so, the need to analyze that data and manage these data and create the need for innovation and so all of this I think it’s been creating opportunities for new companies and startups to really enter the space industry and help to drive that innovation along with the government state agencies and global Aerospace Enterprises that have traditionally industry.


Marketing director at AWS